Friday, February 17, 2006

Keeping Your Friends Close

I don't like the "Friend" access modifier in VB.NET ("internal" in C#) because it provides a very sloppy kind of access control, allowing as it does any method in the entire assembly to access the Friend type or member.

In C++ you could (I suppost "can" would be better, but I don't think I'll be using C++ very much in the future) explicitly specify who your friends are, to the class or even method (or top-level function) level, which means you keep control over the interfaces to your class.

From a library writer's perspective (when looking at the library as a whole at least), Friend is somewhat useful because it lets you separate "us" from "them", but when you're writing in-house code and trying to design coherent public and proptected interfaces, Friends can become your enemies.

Especially since we are encouraged to write "big" assemblies to reduce load times and so can't use the assembly as a fine-grained partitioning mechanism for tightly coupled classes.

What would be nice is a namespace-like mechanism to allow you to group classes together into friendships, so that only classes in the same friendship group have access to each other's Friend members.

Namespaces themselves can't be used of course, because anyone can add additional types to a namespace.

But you could say that Friend members where only accessible from type in the same assembly and namespace. Or, better, allow the Friend keyword to be used on a namespace declaration to mean "Friends within this namespace aren't accessible outside it" (obviously the "same assembly" restriction would still hold). The good thing with this approach is that if you don't use it you get the current behaviour.

What do you think Mr. Vick?


Having proudly e-mailed Paul Vick my suggestion, I blushingly realized that what I should have done is enter it via the "Make a Suggestion" link on the MSDN product feedback page. When I started to do that I found several other suggestions along the same lines (i.e. reintroducing C++ style friend specifiers), but none I think as simple as mine, although I have conveniently ignored how these friend namespaces should be managed across multiple source files in the same assembly - i.e. should you be made to specify "friend" for all of them, or should doing it once automatically apply to all; perhaps it is analagous to partial classes. Also I didn't think of the work that would be needed in the CLR; after all, namespaces are just syntactic sugar, right? Yeah, but friend/internal isn't! Sometimes I wish I'd just keep my (e-)mouth shut.

Update #2

Paul Vick replied on 26th Feb:

Hey, Ian, I apologize for taking so long to write back! More granular Friend control is definitely something that's been requested in a number of different ways and it's something we'll definitely look at as we plan our next release. It's definitely a matter of trying to balance the need for control versus the need to keep the concept count down as much as possible, always a delicate trade off.
Thanks for making the suggestion and thanks for using VB!

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